Bersedia untuk Mengautomasikan? 5 Pandangan Pakar tentang Gudang Masa Depan Sep 17, 2022

1. Focus on automation as a way to augment and secure – not replace – human workers

Consider how automation solutions can allow more opportunities to leverage human skillsets. The value of

 implementing automation technology is how you can upskill workers and maximize their abilities to solve creative

 and challenging issues. For example, delegating repetitive, injury-prone tasks to robots designed to depalletize can

 alleviate workers from that role.

2. Anticipate a decade ahead

How do you know what automation technologies are right for your business distribution? One executive of an

 autonomous mobile robot (AMR) provider said in Futurum Research’s study that anticipating your peak throughput

 (about three to four times your normal throughput) requirements a decade from now is critical as you adopt

 automation solutions.

3. Adopt a data-centric approach

Industrial-grade software can help on your journey to implement automation technologies and measure success.

 With predictive data, you can get ahead of maintenance or downtime, exposing hidden inefficiencies in your

 systems and creating a system of record so all teams work with the same data.

4. Integrate management systems

As you prepare to implement automation technologies into your infrastructure, ensure warehouse operations data

 and records are part of your enterprise’s larger strategy. Integrating data and records across warehouse, supply

 chain, distribution and other business systems will give you a unified look at your entire enterprise – from the first

 supplier to the last customer.

5. Cabar andaian

Kurang fokus pada mengautomasikan tugas atau proses sedia ada. Sebaliknya, fikirkan tugas yang anda bayangkan sebagai automatik

 hari ini, apakah peluang yang akan dibawa, dan apakah proses atau tugasan yang mungkin anda mahu automasi pada masa hadapan.

produk baru
Tinggalkan pesanan
Jika anda berminat dengan produk kami dan ingin mengetahui butiran lanjut, sila tinggalkan mesej di sini, kami akan membalas anda secepat mungkin.

Tinggalkan pesanan

Tinggalkan pesanan
Jika anda berminat dengan produk kami dan ingin mengetahui butiran lanjut, sila tinggalkan mesej di sini, kami akan membalas anda secepat mungkin.



